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Everything a Business Owner Needs to Know About Corporate Seals

If you are interested in getting a corporate seal for your business, here are a few key points to keep in mind.

What is a Corporate Seal?

A company seal or corporate seal is essentially a signature tool used on behalf of a company by officials to show documents such as leases, employment/vendor contracts, etc. have been agreed upon and certified by the company or board. A corporate seal will contain the business name, year of incorporation, and state. You can also create a corporate stamp with logo.

When to Use a Company Seal?

Here are some situations when using a corporate seal may be appropriate:

  • If you are making resolutions in the name of the company
  • If you are executing high-level contracts
  • If you are conducting real estate transactions in the name of the company
  • If you are taking out loans for the company
  • If you are mortgaging assets
  • If you are signing international documents
  • If you are issuing stock shares

These are all situations where a corporate seal might be necessary. In addition, you cannot use a corporate seal without the approval of the members of the company in accordance with its Articles of Association.

Are Corporate Seals Required?

While not always required by state law, corporate seals provide authenticity and finality to business documents. Some professions also require professional stamps/embossers to validate documents. Businesses types that may be required to use a seal embosser include a notary, architects, and land surveyors.

NY Notary2 - Everything a Business Owner Needs to Know About Corporate Seals

How Do You Get a Corporate Seal?

Any business may choose to adopt and use a corporate seal.  If you need a corporate stamp or a corporate embosser, Winmark Stamp & Sign can help go over your options and possible state requirements. You may choose to use a corporate seal stamp or a corporate seal embosser.

Corporate Seal Stamp: Uses a rubber stamp pad and ink to mark company documents.

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Corporate Seal Embosser: Uses a handheld device to leave an indented marking on company documents.

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Contact us for Your Corporate Seal Stamp or Corporate Seal Embosser

At Winmark Stamp & Sign, we can help you address all corporate seal requirements. We will be with you every step of the way, making sure that your corporate seal is the best reflection of your company. Contact Online or call us at 801-486-2011 today!


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