
4″ Wide 1 Line Ribtype Stamp Mounts

Original price was: $23.27.Current price is: $22.27.

4″ wide handle stamp for 1 line of text. These wooden handle stamps are the perfect solution to be used with the RIBTYPE rubber type sets. They come with the same rib material that are on the type sets allowing them to interlock easily. A separate ink pad is required when using these stamps.

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RIBTYPE is a system of interchangeable ribbed-rubber type for printing dates, codes, and other information that changes frequently. The ribs on the back of the type interlock with the ribs on a stamping device to hold the type in place. To change a message, the user simply pulls the old type out of the rib-base and presses the new type into the ribs.

4″ wide handle stamp for 1 line of text. These wooden handle stamps are the perfect solution to be used with the RIBTYPE rubber type sets. They come with the same rib material that are on the type sets allowing them to interlock easily. A separate ink pad is required when using these stamps.

RIBTYPE sets can be used in a variety of marking methods including hand stamps, metal self-inking stamps, rocker mount hand stamps, roll printers and automatic printers like roll coders and reciprocating coders. They also are very durable and can withstand most ink requirements you may have.