Etched Metal Plates are extremely durable, great for outdoor use and for applications that expose them to harsh environments. These are UV resistant, chemical resistant, and are ideal for various industries that include oil and gas, transportation, and manufacturing, to name a few. Etched metal nameplates are highly durable since the markings on these are eaten into the metal with the use of a mordant, or an acid, that creates the recessed designs into these plates. You can use these plates for a wide variety of applications that include plates used in industrial settings, commercial applications, and even for special needs, like for the creation of badges, emblems, and much more. Etched Metal Plates are a good solution for medium to long production runs.
> Permanent mark whether ink filled or natural
> Etched Metal Plates are the perfect solution for Industrial, marine, aircraft and automotive applications
> Etched nameplates hold up well to exposure from weather, temperatures extremes, sunlight, solvents, fuels and lubricants
> Flexible options for variable data, consecutive numbers and custom cut shapes, either embossed or stamped
Paint matching capabilities for Pantone, Federal Standard or custom colors.